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Create Persistent Volume

Volumes are persistent storage that can be reused across VM instances. Currently volumes can only be attached to VMs in the same provider and region. A volume can only be attached to a single instance at a time.


  • Sesterce LogoSESTERCE_DAT
    Price$ 0.0003/GB/hr
    Minimum size50GB
  • Sesterce LogoSESTERCE_CRU
    Price$ 0.0001/GB/hr
    Minimum size50GB
  • Sesterce LogoSESTERCE_NEB
    Price$ 0.0001/GB/hr
    Minimum size50GB
  • Sesterce LogoSESTERCE_DIG
    Price$ 0.0001/GB/hr
    Minimum size50GB
  • Sesterce LogoSESTERCE_SCA
    Price$ 0.0001/GB/hr
    Minimum size50GB
  • Sesterce LogoSESTERCE_OBL
    Price$ 0.0001/GB/hr
    Minimum size50GB
  • Sesterce LogoSESTERCE_HYP
    Price$ 0.0001/GB/hr
    Minimum size50GB

Basic Settings


GB/hr Price-
Total Hourly Price-

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